Saturday, March 5, 2016

Preparation for Salads

Prepare Oil tempering:

Heat 2 tsp peanut oil + 1/4 tsp mustard seeds. When they start popping remove pan from heat and add 1/8 th tsp hing powder (also called as asaphoetida) and 1/4 tsp turmeric powder. Add 1 green chilli chopped and pour over the grated/ chopped veggies. If you cannot eat green chilis or jalapeno peppers don't use them. You can add a pinch of chili powder/ dry red chili instead.

Prepare Butter/Ghee Tempering:

Add 2 Tbsp unsalted sweet cream butter to a pan. Heat the pan on medium heat and let the butter melt and cook until it becomes clear (this is clarified butter or ghee). Add 1/2 tsp cumin. When cumin gets lightly brown add 1/8th tsp hing powder. Add 1 chilli chopped fine and pour over the veggies.  If you cannot eat green chilis or jalapeno peppers...don't use them. You can add a pinch of chili powder/ dry red chili instead.

Prepare Peanut Powder:

1) Use dry raw peanuts - Dry roast peanuts in a pan until lightly brown. Cool and with your fingers 
rub against the skin of peanuts or place them in a dish cloth and fold the dish cloth and rub against it. 
The peels will come off.  Remove peels and grind them coarse and store the powder in a refrigerator for upto 4-6 months. 
2)You can also buy unsalted roasted peanuts that are already peeled and grind and store them in 
a refrigerator (the taste will be a bit different but if you don't have time to labor over roasting and peeling raw peanuts these work just fine). The only worry I have is that they are processed and we really don't know how they do it. I try not to use any processed food as possible but once in a while I give in. 

Grating Veggies:

Try to use hand grater ( when making for many people /party you may use food processor) to grate or
chop veggies with a simple knife for daily cooking. Using our fingers like this prevents from getting 
arthritis in old age. So consider this as an exercise for your fingers and hands and a great way to meditate (you will get healthy and good food as a reward too). My mom says that the love you will pass on to your loved ones via cooking is priceless and that is why it tastes so special. 

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